Monday, July 30, 2012

Expecting Gratitude

Have you ever been part of someone’s accomplishments or helped him achieved something he aspired for?  How then would you feel and react if this person had taken you for granted,  and ignored you when he got hold of his goal?  

Typically, a provider would be greatly disappointed at a recipient’s nonchalant attitude on matters like this since subconsciously he also wants to be accorded credit for the other person’s achievement. But languishing just because someone’s has been ungrateful is  punishing yourself.  So why not try these:  
  • Forget whatever assistance you have extended  and don’t expect gratitude in any form.  Let the merit of what you had done to him be between you and the Lord. 
  • Don’t’ force yourself on him.  Seeking ways to commit to his memory that you paved the way for his success or to attain the position he has now is subtly reminding him that he owes you for that.  Gratitude is not to be imposed; it should come sincerely from the heart.
Human by nature has a propensity to seek recognition in everything he does. As Christians however, we should strive to give without expecting something in return.  Extend help that you are capable of but don’t demand or anticipate any compensation. Avoid getting bitter should the recipient fails to.  Help unconditionally sans any purpose of a benefit or reward later.  When we do something good, do it because we want to and for the glory of God. By this, we will not be affected if the beneficiary failed to acknowledge the role we played.  A modest benefactor who remain the same type of person notwithstanding the beneficiary’s lack of appreciation deserve an accolade.

A selfless benefactor is Lord’s good steward who opens himself to more opportunities to share. He may lost something worldly in substance but he will gain graces and respect.  An ungrateful beneficiary may enjoy what he gained but until when?   And, should he need assistance later will he be able to get one easily if the person ought to help him knows his character? 

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